classical style chandelier shape amethyst earrings with heart charm[rumlalt][jamlalt]le style classique de forme améthyste Boucles d'oreilles chandelier de charme coeurklassischen Stil Kronleuchter Form Amethyst Ohrringe mit Herzanhängerklassisk stil ljuskrona form ametist örhängen med hjärta charmklassiseen tyyliin kattokruunu muoto ametisti korvakorut sydän viehätysvoimaκλασικό στυλ αμέθυστος σκουλαρίκια σχήμα πολυέλαιος με γοητεία καρδιάklassisk stil lysekrone form ametyst øredobber med hjerte sjarmstil clasic forma de cercei candelabru ametist cu farmec inima
Home > Crystal Jewelry > Crystal Earrings > classical style chandelier shape amethyst earrings with heart charm
classical style chandelier shape amethyst earrings with heart charm

classical style chandelier shape amethyst earrings with heart charm

  • Item ID: E1256
  • Size(mm): 4
  • Length(inch): 2.8
  • Weight(g):  
  • Wholesale Price: US$ 3.25

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All of our products are handmade and we try to keep the natural features of each product while cutting and carving. There will be some color difference between the real items and the pictures because of the brightness, contrast and resolution or other factors. So the color difference is inevitable in some degree.
We can supply the premium quality classical style chandelier shape amethyst earrings with heart charm with comparable price.
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