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Yhteensä 3 kysyttävää tästä tuotteesta
are this real water pearls? are clips and posts subjected to tarnish?
All our pearls are natural real fresh water pearls. The item can be kept as original as long as you keep them away from chemicals, makeups, dirty water..
how can i order earings with sterling silver? your website says that "the needle is a silver one"- WHAT does that mean? sterling silver or silver colour, or platted? there is no provision to order sterling silver and your information is not sufficient.
Please check all pearl studs via: Except the original 4 items, all needles of other pearl studs are made of 925 silver, while the buttefly backings are alloyed, hope it's clear for you now.
are these 925 sterling silver please
Yes, it is 925 silver