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Alle unsere Produkte sind handgefertigt und wir versuchen, die natürlichen Eigenschaften der einzelnen Produkte beim Schneiden und Schnitzen zu halten. Es wird etwas Farbe Differenz zwischen dem tatsächlichen Produkten und die Bilder wegen der Helligkeit, Kontrast und Auflösung oder anderen Faktoren. Also die Farbe Unterschied besteht darin, zu einem gewissen Grad unvermeidlich.
Insgesamt 3 Frage zu diesem Produkt
Hello, I have a property on this item (because stock break). I like to buy two group. How many for shipping cost? Sincerely. Françoise
If you ship to France, the shipping is about 45USD as it is charged by volumn of the box not by weight, you are suggested to buy it when you have a larger order, then we can put jewelry in the gaps betwen boxes.
I cannot get a shipping cost after I enter information it sends me to the same page. I need four of these items shipped to Pineville, LA in the United States. Will you please tell me how much shipping would be? Thanks,Courtney
the total weight is caculated according to the volume of your order rather than true weight!
Is it possible that you can add the quantities with the cost so we have some type of an idea of what we get